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5 Majors That Can Help Launch a Fun, High-Paying 职业生涯

Picture of 5 Majors That Can Help Launch a Fun, High-Paying 职业生涯

As you consider your future career, 你可能在想,你想找一个不仅薪水高而且有趣的工作. What jobs pay well but are fun? 答案取决于你的专业,但这些都是很好的选择.

  1. 市场营销专业

如果你有能力谈论事情,让别人会听, or if you are able to find the value in something easily, a 市场营销专业 might work well for you. 对于受过市场营销培训的人来说,这些职业充满了潜力:

Social Media Manager

社交媒体经理使用社交媒体来讨论品牌的利益和价值. Through social media messaging, you can build brand awareness, improve visibility of a product or service, and interact with potential customers. 这条职业道路非常适合那些喜欢花大量时间上网并在网络环境中与人互动的人.


What is the most fun and high paying job? The answer for some people is making YouTube videos. This might not seem like a marketing venue, but it actually can be. 无论您是为品牌创建内容还是使用营销知识为自己的内容获得收视率, 你会把你的营销学位很好地用于YouTube的职业生涯. 这里也有相当多的钱可以赚,平均支出为 $3 to $5 per 1,000 video views, according to Influencer Marketing Hub.


品牌经理负责一个品牌的所有营销场所和公众形象需求. They arrange press releases, 新闻发布会, 在线内容, 印刷的营销, television marketing, and radio marketing. 他们计划和实施市场营销,以促进品牌的成功.

  1. English Major (Writing Concentration)

Do you think the only thing for an English major to do is to teach? 再想想. 这些是一些令人兴奋的职业道路,并不需要在教室里获得英语学位 writing concentration:

TV/Movie Script Writer

电视和电影行业总是在寻找一个新的作家来探索下一个伟大的想法. 如果你能很好地写小说,你可以把你的英语学位用在这个领域. 有了获奖剧本,站在颁奖台上接受艾美奖的人可能就是你了.


With the advent of self-publishing, writing and publishing a book is easier than ever, and if you can get a good following, you can make a good income, including residual income, 作为一名作家. 除了, 你可以为那些有好主意的人代笔写书, but poor writing abilities.


Not all writing is print writing. 作曲家s also need a good command of the English language. With an English major and some music training, you can be the one creating the next chart-topping favorite.

  1. Computer Science Major

computer science major opens a world of possibilities to the graduate. 在这个专业之后,你可以选择一些更有趣的职业路线,包括:


那些你喜欢玩的电子游戏背后都有一些很棒的计算机科学成果, and with this degree, you could be the one creating the next video game. 电子游戏开发者组成大型团队,创造人们喜爱的游戏, and this is very rewarding. 对于这个角色, you will need to be able to write code, create both 3D and 2D worlds, and create a winning user experience. 

Mobile App Developer

随着智能手机的普及,手机应用开发者的需求量越来越大. 这些专业人士创建的应用程序无所不包,从娱乐用户到作为品牌的营销工具. 开发应用程序需要了解所有移动平台,并具备与品牌专业人士和软件工程师合作的能力.

Artificial Intelligence Developer

计算机不仅可以为你工作,而且它们也开始具有“思考”的能力. 从家庭安全到政府机构,对人工智能(AI)的需求正在增长. AI developers are the brains behind these programs, 帮助公司获得充分利用计算机所需的工具.

  1. Sport Management Major

sport management major lets you create a career out of your love of sports and athletics. Here are some fun careers to consider:


Coaches that succeed can have very lucrative careers. 专业、大学、高中和社区都需要教练. 如果你有一项你喜欢的运动,你可以作为教练把它教给下一代.

University Athletic Director

If you love all things athletic, 你可以拿着体育管理学位去大学当体育主管. 你将监督学校的体育项目和运动机会,并帮助推动你的球队赢得一个赛季.


体育经纪人搜刮有前途的人才,为大学或职业球队招募球员. 如果你对天赋有敏锐的眼光,这将是一条有趣而有益的职业道路.

  1. 生物学专业

Science lovers can embrace that passion with a 生物学专业 - without having to become biology teachers. Some career options with this education path include:


A 生物学专业 can set the foundation for a career in medicine. 如果你发现你喜欢生物学,你可以去医bwin体育接受医生培训. 你的本科学位会让你的医bwin体育之旅容易得多.


Biology has a lot to do with what we eat, 作为一名营养学家,你可以把你对人体的知识运用到工作中. 营养学家帮助人们吃能给身体提供能量的食物,帮助他们实现个人健康目标.


生物学专业的学生通常对人体的来龙去脉有很好的感觉, and this makes them good candidates for the role of a surgeon. Like doctors, these professionals will have to go to medical school.

If you’ve been asking yourself, “What are some fun majors?“这些都是不错的选择,bwin体育bwin体育提供所有这些项目. 今天就联系招生顾问,开始你的职业道路.

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